July 30, 2021
Sisters & Brothers,
Unifor Local 112, 673 and the National Union are pleased to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement with Bombardier.
We will be scheduling Zoom Webinar Ratification meetings (Production & Skilled Trades) for Saturday, July 31, 2021. Local 112 Zoom Webinar is scheduled for 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM with the Skilled Trades ONLY meeting following immediately after in the same meeting.
Zoom Meeting information times will be confirmed via email to those members that have registered with your respective locals. Simply voting links will be sent at the beginning of the allotted voting times. Scheduled voting for Local 112 is from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturday, July 31, 2021.
Bombardier members will continue to keep our scheduled picket times running until the conclusion of the 12:00 midnight to 6:00 AM shift on Saturday morning.
Members must complete the shift to be eligible for their strike pay. We have requested support from our retired members and from Unifor’s Toronto area locals to cover the lines with our De Havilland members during our Zoom ratification meetings.
We also ask that our Bombardier members volunteer to join the line after the meeting and onwards to support our fellow De Havilland workers until such time as they reach an agreement.
We continue to negotiate with De Havilland at this time and our DH members will be updated via email when further information is available.
We want to thank all the members that participated and supported your bargaining committees during this bargaining process.
In Solidarity,
Unifor Local 112 & 673